• How do you know if you are entrepreneurial? I never thought much about this in the past, but I guess I have always been interested in finding new solutions to established problems. Sometimes this takes you in unexpected directions!
  • Co-founding a tech company was certainly unexpected. However, it did occur to Peter (Hames) and I that a fully automated digital version of CBT would enable clinical guideline treatments for insomnia (CBT) to be delivered at scale
  • So, we founded Big Health and developed Sleepio in around 2009. The rest as they say is history!
    • You can see some visuals from Sleepio here, as well as a brief video clip. People have asked if it’s me voicing The Prof! Well its not – turns out to be much harder to be a voiceover artist than you would think!!
    • So far there have been 12 RCTs conducted on Sleepio, giving it a very strong evidence-base 
    • Work we have done in the US and the UK shows that it is indeed possible to provide CBT at scale, potentially to the many millions of people who might need and want immediate help (other than a sleeping pill)